This semester seems to have flown by! I can hardly believe there are only five weeks left. It has been extremely busy for me, between project deadlines and the increase in medical things I have had to do recently. All in all it hasn't been terrible. Hope y'all enjoy this semesters projects!
The first project in sculpture was the take an already created sculpture and morph it with and animal or everyday object. The sculpture I chose for this project was Eve or the Apple by Paul Roussel and I chose to morph it with a cobra snake. It was sculpted in wax. It is in the process of being cast in bronze. (Pictures of the finished bronze will be posted later.)
The second project was a selef portrait bust. It turned out fairly well. It was sculpted in terra cotta.
The frist project in ceramics was the bowl project. I made my bowls for ice cream. I like to put a lot of toppings on my ice cream so I designed these so that the toppings wouldnt spill out onto the side of the bowl. Unfortunately the glazes we have are all on the dark side.
The second project inceramics was the cup project. We had to make five mugs and five tumblers. As you can see I went a little overboard.
These are my favorit tumblers. |
The project we are finishing up at the moment was a lidded vessel project. We had to create a lidded vessel that was meant to contain something specific. Of course I made a collection of poison jars... Because why not! The smallest one is meant to contain hemlock, the medium one is meant for belladonna, and the largest one is for mandrake. I have a forth one for oleander but I forgot to take a picture before I put it on the bisque shelf. (Non of them well actually be holding what they are ment for. I'm jsut fascinated with poisonous plants...)
I hope you enjoyed the pictures! (I will be posting more pictures of the finished jars and final projects later.)